Within Our ImpactConscious Consumption action areas, we’ve launched two different activations:
McArthurGlen X Too Good To Go The brand’s app has managed to save over 126 million meals in just six years of activity. Thanks to this partnership, McArthurGlen contributed to save more than 12 tons of meals equal to 30 tons of CO2 equivalent saved in just 1 year of activity. Our restaurants can now sell their Magic Box on the app, each box full of delicious fresh food left at the end of the day for a special discounted price
Recycle your Fashion to breathe new life into your old clothes. Customers can donate pre-loved clothes and get a 10% off participation voucher as a “Thank you” for getting involved.
100% Green Energy is another scheme under Our Impact pillar, within the Climate Action focus area, is our portfolio-wide commitment to sourcing 100% green electricity – where McArthurGlen directly procures the electricity. Our principles in the Climate Action sector include our target of Net Zero by 2040, reducing energy demand, increasing on-site renewables and increasing biodiversity. Each commitment requires dedicated actions to make them a reality and so protect our natural world. Specifically, as we are striving to reduce our carbon emissions in support of the 2040 Net Zero ambitions. Our 100% green electricity commitment means that the electricity is generated from renewable sources including solar or wind. As well as sourcing this more sustainable energy, McArthurGlen is building the infrastructure to actually produce electricity on-site at our Outlets too. Already, many of our destinations have installed solar panels and we continue to expand this to generate as much electricity as we can on-site. Ultimately, we strive for self-sufficiency in electricity demand across all of our centres. Self-sufficiency will ensure that we reduce our electricity demand on the grid, which reduces the pollution that is emitted from non-renewable sources of energy.
Our Sustainability Updates
Find out more about our key actions.
Discover the latest activities within our EVOLVE sustainability programme, enabling us to become an increasingly more sustainable business, focusing on six relevant areas. Find out more about our action areas and key activations.
Within Our Communities Our Centres & Hubs sustainability pillar , the 5 italian Centres celebrated the Earth Day with kids’edutainment workshops on sustainability related themes, providing flower seeds and gifts to the over 900 participants.
We also hosted the JOYRUN – with a 10km competitive run and a 5km fun run. All the proceeds will be donated to FIDAL, the Italian Federation of Paralympic and Experimental Sports, which promotes and coordinates sports activities for people with disabilities. The JOYRUN was the most important event of the Sportweek activation: a week of activities and events dedicated to sports.
McArthurGlen Italy have also a historical partnership with Komen Italia offering over 500 free breast cancer screenings in our Centre per year under the National Program for the Promotion of Women’s Health. Supporting prevention is important for Our People: employees and the many women who visit us every day.
We also promote Inclusion & Diversity projects: after "The Magnificent 5, pills of uniqueness" in 2022, in 2023 the project takes the name of "All of me": a series of video-stories in which ambassadors start from their own definition of themselves themselves to then unfold the narration by touching peculiar episodes of their own existence. In this way they clarify how what could have made them and made them weak there has made them and made them stronger, to the point of making them the spokesperson and example of an ever-growing community that shares goals, backgrounds and aspirations with them.
Within Our Foundation pillar we are deeply integrated with the surrounding environment, with a strong sense of responsibility demonstrated through concrete choices and actions in the field of sustainability, with responsible actions and targeted partnerships. We annually renew the ISO certifications, proving our responsible management practices not only towards our own organization and those who work here, but also towards the customers who choose our Centre every year to spend a day dedicated to shopping and fun. We are also committed in the waste reduction promoting the separate waste collection and using 100% green energy.
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